Happy Sweater Day!!!!
Yes, today March 20th, is National Sweater Day. A day set aside to pay homage to the simple garment known as a sweater, jumper, Strickjacke, suéter, chandail, maglione, πουλόβερ, and a свитер. Also a day where the length of day and night are equal, but that happens twice a year so today is all about the sweater. (Happy Equinox anyway)
Be honest, think about it, there is at least one warm and fuzzy memory in your brain that has something to do with a sweater.
Perhaps it's an image of your Grandfather in his sweater. Maybe something reminiscent of Uncle Joe?
Or maybe the Captain on one of his red sweater days.

But for sure there has to be a memory of this guy,

Fred Rogers. The iconic children's tv host and champion of childhood education and welfare. Today is National Sweater Day in honor of his birthday. He would have been 80 years old. He truly is one our American Heroes.
One of his red sweaters is now housed in the Smithsonian. His mother knitted it for him. It was one of 24 sweaters he wore throughout his career. And when you think of Mr. Rogers, can you do so with out remembering the shoe toss?!? :o)

Are you humming the song??? Funny all the memories that coming flooding back. Remember when Kermit was sporting a red sweater too?

Me though, I was partial to guys in black turtlenecks.

Although I gotta admit Race was pretty hunky in the military-esque double buttoned shirt, but I had a better shot at Johnny he was at least my age. Oh and just in case you didn't know this little tidbit about the ultra-cool Johnny Quest....Tim Matheson was the voice of Johnny Quest. How could you miss that voice though really? Listen again sometime, age has not made that much difference. Unfortunately I can't find a picture of him in a black turtleneck, but I'm certain it would look fabulous. He can rock a toga pretty well.

So on this 20th day of March, National Sweater Day, I wish all heathens, who scoff and snicker at the enlightened ones who know the mystical powers of fiber, sticks, and hooks, would stop for one second and take notice of the beauty of what is a sweater and enjoy the warm fuzzy memories it can conjure. Sending a little wool to your local stick or hook slinger would be nice too! Isn't that what Holidays are for? ;-)
Even though you speak in a tongue I can read and mostly understand, I have no idea what you are talking about. All those guys in their sweaters, and girl, I've never seen (but heard off). Must be that I grew up on a different continent. National sweater day,ai! Are you making this one up? :o)