LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOL...........hold on a sec, I've gotta catch my breath over that knee slapper...............sheesh, I try to lay some goods ones on ya sometimes don't I?
For those of you un-enlightened, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is the Harlot's real name. She is without a doubt a Knitting Rock Star. She writes . She knits, and then knits some more. She spins too. She can spearhead a donation drive for such worthy causes as Doctors Without Borders that surpasses all imagined goals. (Over $434,439.00 people!!!! I'm tellin ya the Woman is awesome!) She can whip the knitting community into a frenzy by merely dropping a short, she's a Goddess.
Aside from her incredible knitting skills, her impeccable taste in projects, and her deity status, her blog is a damn good read and makes me smile. Oh hell's fire she makes me laugh out loud most days. One of the many things she does that always gives me the giggles are her sock pictures. She travels with her sock and takes pictures. Her sock pix have tickled me to no end. (I tickle easily apparently)
Are you all now scratching your heads and wondering why the hell I'm blabbering on and on about the Yarn Harlot? I never blabber on about anyone, not even my kids (at least not much). I'm not the hero worship type. What gives with the Harlot accolades is what you're all thinking right? Well, something has been weighing on my mind for a while now and Harlot Mimicry is the only thing I can come up with as an excuse for my behavior.
A couple of weeks ago, I did something that I'm sure, now that I think about it, could have swiftly and without question landed me in the custody of the Secret Service and charged with some pretty serious federal offenses.
Here's the photographic evidence that exists.
BTW the really good pix were all taken by my brother....the others?...yeah those would be my photos. :-/
The stage is set. Note the placement of the stool, the guard ropes, and the picnic table. We were seated on the picnic table.
The venue begins to fill. .
Yep that is Joe and I sitting there....
of course you silly rabbit I'm knitting......
Huh, we (the Harlot and I) both have hair issues it seems.
He arrives.
Getting closer.....
And what does your typical Harlot inspired knitter do when the next President of the United States of America speaks to her? Well, DUH!...she asks him to hold her knitting and take a picture.
Think about that a second.
I'll give you a close up of the actual encounter.

I'm talking to and touching a man who one day, could be, the most powerful man in the world and all I can say is, "Will you hold my knitting?" Oh that is wrong on so many levels I don't even want to consider them all. But it is kinda funny, so funny/strange/demented I guess, that he laughed and said, "Sure. Should I hold it like this?" took my knitting, reverently held it and smiled that incredible smile of his.
BTW my camera did this
The moment I realize my camera/skills screwed it all up.
How about another close up?
Wanna see real human anguish?

As he handed my knitting back to me (still laughing) he said we'd get some pictures after his speech.
I think I made his day.
There were no after the event shots of Obama and my knitting taken. It seems the Secret Service guys/gals stepped up their protection as they ushered him out after the speech, and as far away from my side of the stage as possible.
There's eight of them surrounding him in this shot. Do you see any of these folks in the arrival picture? See the woman half turned in my direction? Notice how she is between me and Obama at all times?
Oh brother who am I kidding , and what craziness lurks in my brain!?!? Who in their right mind would even think about shoving a noose-like piece of circular knitting in bulky weight with # 15 needles poking out at a Presidential Candidate!?!
Many thanks to my brother Rick who was sitting across the stage from me, that's him, the cute fuzzy one. Without the photos from Rick's vantage point any proof of the Obama/CrazyLady knitting photo would not exist. Except of course those in the file the FBI now has on me.
You are right - you made me laugh out loud, just as the Yarn Harlot manages to do! :o)
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised they let you have your needles, and didn't confiscate them, as dangerous weapons! :o)
THAT is INSANE!!! That took so many balls -- of yarn, of course -- !!! I would never have dared, but you did it!
ReplyDeleteI like that he did it. It shows he has some fun with life. It shows he's human. It shows he doesn't take himself too seriously.
ReplyDeleteHe should totally use it in his campaign. I mean, think about how many voting knitters there are in the US!?!?!
pssst: Thanks Monika, for sending me to this post!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Rick -- it's not like we needed another reason to like Obama, though...
ReplyDeleteThat is totally SO COOL!!
ReplyDeleteNow, that's EXTREME sock holding! Well done!!
ReplyDeleteFabulous and amazing!
ReplyDeleteIf I was American, he'd get my vote (and not just because he agreed to hold your knitting).
Very, very cool!
ReplyDeleteso incredibly hilarious. thank you for sharing your story and how wonderful that your brother had such a great vantage point!
ReplyDeleteHilarious!!!! You've got some guts, lady!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! Just brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI landed here via the Harlot. So if Obama bothers campaigning in Rhode Island, he'll know what's up when I hand him my knitting, then, yes? :-)
ReplyDeleteAt least the secert service will only be able to recognize you on a bad hair day.
ReplyDeleteThat is great!!! You are now knitting a (possibly) presidential sock!! Isn't he great? I saw him talk here in Kewanee when he was campaigning in 2004. Good job!!
ReplyDeleteThat is so fantastic. I'm tempted to find a campaign stop near my neck of the woods to try it...
ReplyDeleteI'm so bummed I can't see the pictures, just those annoyingly pesky little boxes with the red X's in them.. I'll check back from time to time cause I GOTTA SEE A PRESIDENTIAL CONDIDATE holding a sock. Patti
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! I hope that's a sock you're keeping and not giving away :)
ReplyDeleteThere's a Mastercard commercial lurking here...
ReplyDeleteyou know..
$5 for the needles
$15 for the yarn
$150 for the camera...
Obama holding the sock...
You have some serious chutzpah, and it's awesome. And I LOVE that he played along. (And the cynical part of me wonders if he was calculating what that would do to his poll numbers... :-)
ReplyDeleteLOVE it!! Represent for knitters, in our our crazy, fiber-loving glory :)
ReplyDeletethat was priceless! good on you.
ReplyDeleteI think Knitters for Obama should ask him to hold their socks at every event he attends! After a while, I don't think he would think it was so weird. Would the Secret Service think it's weird........YUP! But there hasn't been a cool Secret Service agent since Nicholas Cage in "Guarding Tess."
ReplyDeleteWow, you have some awesome cajones, girl. Way to go!
ReplyDelete:D Considerig that :
ReplyDeletea) Your Blog has been Harlotized, and will probably be viewed by most of the people who read The Harlot's blog
b)there are over 30 million knitters in the US
c)quite a large portion of the US knitters read The Y. H's blog -
I expect Hillary's photo with a sock anytime next week - too large a target group to miss out ;)
Pandering for the knitting for me! :-)
ReplyDeleteYou outdid the Yarn Harlot!
ReplyDeleteOh, that is SO FUNNY! Well done and well written and priceless! (Go, Obama, too!!!)
ReplyDelete--AlisonH at
aw man must go visit presidential candidates with knitting....
ReplyDeletethat is AWESOME!!
wonder what hilary would do with knitting? ;)
probably sneer ;) hah
Amazing you not only got him to hold the sock, you made the Harlot's blog! Not sure which amazes me more.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely marvelous: Obama holding your knitting! And how fortuitous could it have been that your bro was sitting in perfect placement to get the pics. :)
ReplyDeleteOh man, Knitters for Obama. That would be hysterical.
ReplyDeleteThanks for filling my afternoon with lulz. :)
That is freakin funny!! I bet you had the SS scratching their heads for the rest of the day! Too funny! I bet they start a 'can't take things from the audience rule'. Crazy funny.
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up!
Thank you ~ you have helped this undecided knitter/voter make a decision! Of course, to be fair, I should probably wait and see how Hillary reacts when she is asked to hold knitting. Well done on all accounts!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome!
ReplyDeleteYou are right - he does have a lovely smile and looked like he enjoyed the whole thing.
Made me laugh too :)
OMG!!! I came here from the Harlot, of course. I can't believe you did that!! I would never have the courage. Go you! And I'm glad he was game. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's great! I loved your narrative and the pictures leading up to the great yarn/potential future president picture and the pictures after.
ReplyDeleteGreat job, give your brother a big hug for the great pictures!
Oh. My. God. You are my new hero. Much as I love the Harlot (and I do. Unreasonably.), you win. (She apparently thinks so, too, since she linked to your post, which is how I found you.)
ReplyDeleteThat is just hilarious. It is always good when a candidate can keep a sense of humor about himself (or herself).
ReplyDeleteI can't really say anything that the other comments haven't already - but in my humble opinion - YOU ROCK!
ReplyDeleteYou totally rock. So worth having an FBI file for. :D
ReplyDeleteI have been on the fence -- so far just an "anybody but Hillary" girl, but this pushes me over to the Obama side for sure!
ReplyDeleteI want to start by thanking the Yarn Harlot for pointing me in your direction. I will be reading your blog more often. You are so cool to even think of doing what you did with OUR MAN for president. And his response is so telling. Really supports my thoughts and feelings.
ReplyDeleteThank you and Namaste
Love it!!!! Loving Obama even more now - he was my state representative several years back and impressed us then.
ReplyDeleteMy uncle is on some secret security list for writing a certain republican president letters of advice one too many times (always pulled aside for security checks on airline flights). I won't say you are in good company but it doesn't seem to take much these days.
Found you via the Harlot, and this is perhaps the most awesome thing ever. You have definitely taken celebrity sock-holding to a whole new level.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I knew there was a reason I liked Barack. If he agrees to hold socks? He's good people and deserves my vote.
ReplyDeleteIf I were an American I would vote for him, just for being such a good sport.
ReplyDeleteThat is hysterical!
ReplyDeleteI think we should try to get every candidate to hold a sock :-)
Thanks for a good laugh.
A big step taken in the effort to educate the world on the true size of the community of kniiters. I now expect sometime before the end of the campaign to see a major news source do a story on a candidate with a sock photo op.
ReplyDeleteTHAT is funny!! The yarn harlots (collective term) are taking over the world!!! :)
ReplyDeleteoooooh that is the ultimate sock holder right there!!!!
ReplyDeletewell done =)
Way to go! the Harlot herself couldn't even get Greg Kinnear!!! (If you didn't see those posts on her blog, my comment makes no sense whatsoever!)Anyway...great story!
ReplyDeleteIf that were my sock, I would never wash it! That would seriously reduce the number of times one would want to wear the sock, but I believe that particular piece of knitting has now been elevated beyond something just to come between foot and shoe!
ReplyDeleteThat is fantastic!!! Rock on with your bad political self!
ReplyDeleteWow........I'd never wash my hands OR the sock after a hunky guy like him touched them. Lolololololol.. I once shook hands with Bill Clinton while on vacation in Ark. What a hunk I thought he was....
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised they let you in with such "dangerous" weapons. Love you blog....keep having fun
Wow. A reason to learn to knit socks... and to go to political rallies. Wonderful. Stunningly wonderful! :-) I like it.
ReplyDeleteOh, that is just the coolest!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. You'll never be able to wash that sock. :o)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant. Knitters rock!
ReplyDeleteHooray for you! And here is your Academy Award for chutzpah! That is really the coolest thing.
ReplyDeleteAnd your blog entry for it was just priceless.
I think this is about the coolest thing I have ever seen! If I'd had a chance to hand him my knitting I would have too . . . and I'm sure my camera would have fizzled as well. The really silly thing is that I am an undecided voter and this makes me lean toward Obama, who seems to be an entirely decent human being. I am so glad you shared this with the world.
ReplyDeleteBravo!! me.. I wouldn't even stop and say hello out loud to Criss Angel who was standing right next to me.. perhaps if I had had my knitting with me.. it is a great ice breaker!!
ReplyDeleteAWESOME! and hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your bro got pix - I about died when i saw what your camera did. Mine would have done the same thing.
If Hillary thought baking cookies was too domestic, what on earth would she think about knitting socks???
he looked to be such a good sport about it!
ReplyDeletetoo funny... thanks for sharing :)
HA! OMG thank you thank you for sharing that Kodak moment! I knew I liked Obama.... and now I know why! ;-)
ReplyDeleteLOL - YOU ROCK!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with minijaxter - I think he handled it brilliantly...likely far more graciously than Hillary might have, I am sad to say. Who knows though? Anyone else want an FBI file? (heehee)
Oh, that was funny! Wouldn't it be great if from now on someone would ask for a picture with some knitting at every Obama event? Then he'd know he needs to pay attention to *that* constituency! I love that he actually did it! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteThat is hysterical! Knitters have gumption - that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteYou are my new hero. Really. And when I email his campaign and tell them I just might vote for him because of it, they'll know -- knitters are a force to reckon with.
ReplyDeleteHoly cats! I can't believe you did that! And I'm happy to know he did it--makes me love him more!
ReplyDeleteThat was really funny. Too bad your camera crapped out on you, but still great!
ReplyDeleteThat's so awesome!
ReplyDeleteI suspect Hillary would politely decline to hold the knitting--if she did it, it would be just one more thing for the media to jump on her over.
Just perfect-
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Hilary would do that?
You are SOOOO cool.
ReplyDeleteI've had that conversation with myself...dreaming of getting to meet Obama...and of asking him to hold *my* knitting - and now I know it CAN be done!
Obama fans - there's a group on Ravelry! We can all post Barack-with-a-Sock pictures there.
I got here from the Harlot's blog too. Mazel tov on the great photo op - plus, I'd been riding the fence but now Obama is DEFINITELY my man for president. Outstanding!
ReplyDeleteOh girl, you are too much fun! And to have the camera do that to you, pure evil! It is my luck as well with "I REALLY need this picture"! Now, if we could sit him down and teach him to knit, he would win the election from us knitters alone! You rock!
ReplyDeleteI know a zillion people have already said this, but . . . you so totally rock!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's neat getting a little peek at Barack Obama in a candid moment. My respect for him continue to grow.
By the way... There is a group for all you Obama fans...
I've heard of a grass roots campaign before, but never a WIP campaign. After reading about the kick-butt amoung of money knitters donated to MSF I'm thinking that politicians should be promising a "Skein in every Hand" and that they should be clamouring to pose with knitting. What are you going to do with the socks?
ReplyDeleteWell, he's got my vote. And way to go for handing him your knitting!! You rock!!
ReplyDeleteSo you say there are no pictures of him holding your knitting(?) after the speech. I don't believe you. I am glad you decided not to post them . What a scandalous yarn full of knits and needles that would be. Note to the SS. I know where she lives. I'm her other brother.
ReplyDeleteLove Ya,
Too freaking funny - I can't believe he did that (or that you asked!). I think it should be a test for all candidates!
ReplyDeleteI guess you have a way with an "off the cuff" remark.
ReplyDeleteThat is completely awesome! Woot! (BTW, I was pointed this way by YH's post today. *grin*)
ReplyDeleteOh. My. I would have voted for Obama anyway if he were the Democratic candidate, but now? Now I DEFINITELY will! What a priceless moment! Hysterical!
ReplyDeleteYou are brilliant. My mum has been volunteering for the Obama campaign, and while I'm an expat in Canada, I'll still vote for him.
ReplyDeleteRock rock rock with the sock, dude.
Lee Ann
(Fuzzy Logic)
Wow, impressive! I'm a Kucinich supporter myself, but I must say he's adorable and these are some great photos :)
ReplyDeleteThere is soooo no other people on the planet like knitters for knowing how to bring people back to earth!!! love the photos.
ReplyDeleteMy DH and I were just talking about Obama's sense of humour today and then I stumbled across this (thanks, Stephanie). I got to listen to him on NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" a while back and really liked his personality then. It's nice to see that he hasn't lost his lighthearted side to the pressures of campaining. Thanks for posting. (I too suffer from photo-gremlins. You should see my one and only shot of the Yarn Harlot. *sigh*)
ReplyDeleteYou totally just made my day.
ReplyDeleteYou are so awesome, I think the Yarn Harlot should make you an honarary sidekick, or something, just to acknowledge the awesome-ness that is what you did.
:D! I can't even type right, i'm laughing too much, haha
I'm here via the Harlot and I must say, the coolest thing about this is that you didn't even have to Kinnear him. I wonder if his wife knits?
ReplyDeleteI knew there was another reason why he's still my number one:-)
ReplyDeleteOMG you got to meet Obama?? AND he held your sock knitting??? talk about your sacred socks :-) good job (despite the camera fritz) I don't think I'd have the guts to even talk to the man, let alone ask him to hold my sock knitting....
ReplyDeleterock on.
Via the Harlot, too-- I'm not sure about my canditate pick (I still sort of like Kucinich!!) but Obama gets lots of points for being knitting (and knitter) friendly. Too bad there wasn't a video for YouTube! Happy knitting.
ReplyDeleteThose are wonderful photos. Knitters get my vote any day.
ReplyDeleteHa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Brilliant!!!
ReplyDeleteI knew I liked him! I love the grin he has after your picture. So cute. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd Barak racks up yet another reason to vote for him!
ReplyDeleteGotta love it! And WAY TO GO!
If he was really smart he would learn to knit a couple of stitches so that he can really impress us next time someone has the 'balls' to ask him to hold a sock. The knitting vote shouldn't be overlooked...remember how many there are of us!
ReplyDeleteI admire your pluck!
ReplyDeleteThis may be the reason that I will cast my primary vote for him. So much more interesting than some crying baby. And you go girl. if any of the canidates knew how fanatic knitters could be, they would be courting us, hosting "Stitch and Presidentail Pitches", learn to knit, and take there knitting with them everywhere. Makes me wonder what they do to unwind. I would then vote for the best knitter, because anyone who can do lace in fingering weight is smart enought to lead this country in the correct direction.
ReplyDeleteAs promised your blog made me laugh out loud just like the Yarn Harlot does so very often. Did you ever figure out what was going on with your camera? It looks like it might have been zoomed in on his shirt or something.
ReplyDeletetoday I was able to see the pictures! Absolutely PERFECT! :-)
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome!! "When knitters run the world..." might not be so far off as we thought. You go , Girl!
ReplyDeleteThat is soooo cool! Hopefully they (Secret Service, FBI, Homeland Security) haven't tapped your phone, but they have probably assigned a rookie spy to read your blog regularly...perhaps that person will take up knitting :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not anonymous, I'm Bev in TN
OMG!!! I know who I'm voting for now. ;) :P
ReplyDeleteWay to go!! My goodness....knitters will soon RULE the world...LOL Maybe he's up for knitting lessons too?? :)
ReplyDeletepower to the knitters!
ReplyDeletewoohoo! way to go!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!! Got to your site via The Harlot. Any way of knowing if the Obama people are aware of the talk his holding your sock has generated? They might not have a clue about the power of knitters.
ReplyDeleteGot here from the Yarn Harlot too. If we can raise just under $500K for dwb, we can get Obama elected!
ReplyDeleteFound you via YH. Great find. (I'll be visiting your blog regularly from now on)
ReplyDeleteOh my WORRD!! That was so cool, and so was he! I would vote for him if I lived in the USA, instead of South Africa. Well done! :)
(jumped fro Jean's Knitting)
ReplyDeleteThat is completely priceless. I'm laughing still! You go girl. If you ever need a presidential favour, his memory will be easily jogged. "You remember me, Mr President, I'm that one that handed you the knitting!"
I just saw on yahoo that Chuck Norris is endorsing a candidate for president & 'they' expect his endorsement to pack a punch. I don't know who he's endorsing...I couldn't look. If Chuck Norris is a force to be reckoned with, what about us knitters? Has anyone forwarded all this to Obama's big-name endorsement....Oprah? Wouldn't it be great to see Tracy & Stephanie (remember KWB & $434K?) on Oprah's show telling about the punch knitters can pack?
ReplyDeleteBut can he knit?
ReplyDeleteSue in Chicago
Ha! Even my husband says that's pretty awesome. He also says Hillary would never do that. Great photos!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant. I love it.
ReplyDeletePRICELESS! I found you through Mason-Dixon Knitting Blog and laughed till I cried! You get my vote for Best Knitting Close Encounter Of 2007! Sounds like Obama is a nice guy! And respected your work!
ReplyDeleteI remember the first time I heard him speak I was so impressed I wrote down his name so I wouldn't screw it up. I never do that. How cool was that experience? Lucky girl!
ReplyDeleteWhat a coup! I'm very impressed; it's not very often that one can outdo the Yarn Harlot. And Senator Obama was such a good sport. --Terry Ninjaknitter
ReplyDeleteUh oh--I think you've upped the stakes now.
ReplyDeletewhat an awesome story!! this definitely takes the cake.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story and what a great guy !
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that I had missed my chance to seee him when he was here in Boston, MA. I am sure that any one with pointy sticks is not likely to get that close to a presidential candidate again.
I need net cheering up after NH. Sniff !
You are fabulous !
That is really, really awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou are nuts!! It really made me LOL every time I read this, and that would be about 2 or 3 times!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the secret service until you see planes flying around your house on a regular basis! Don't ask.
Tracy, have you seen It's...well, it's what it sounds like: totally hysterical, and totally pro-Obama. I just think your picture would be fab-U there."mah con-stith-cncy gots pointy stix" Hee!
ReplyDeleteFound your post via Ravelry. Your encounter was well worth the possible FBI file. No harm done! The knitting is all good! Fabulous brush with greatness and fun story telling. Thank you for sharing your experience.
ReplyDeleteHah! That's awesome! Though I'm not all that surprised.. He does seem pretty easy-going. I saw him at a town-hall type meeting in February. My brother and I set up the lights for his appearance and the security was extremely lax. In fact, there was no security at all until he actually walked in the door! Obama's own assistants encouraged us to move about and take photos and talk to him when he wasn't busy. It was really surprising! I'm sorry your photo didn't come out. That's so disappointing! I chickened out of asking him if I could take one.
ReplyDeleteWOW! CONGRATS!!!! Knitters RULE!
ReplyDeleteThat is so full of awesome that I am...WOW! :D
ReplyDeleteIf I weren't already voting for Obama, this would do it. Any candidate who'll hold a sock-in-progress and smile? He has my heart and my vote. ^_^
ReplyDeleteIt's all been said above...that was awesome! :-) This Canadian piggy was always for Obama, but that just confirms my admiration for the man.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievably childish!
ReplyDeleteToo fun! I'm here from the Harlot, and like so many have already said, I just have to say, "Brilliant! Brilliant!" I'm not necessarily an Obama supporter, but I'd have to say this incident definitely makes me "smile warmly in his direction." I love it that he was game for that moment.
ReplyDeleteI've never done this before. I mean, I've never responded in this manner to any comments left on my blog, but in the essence of fair play, considering I published your comment, you are posting anonymously and it is my blog I have this to say to "Anonymous" of October 04 2008...
ReplyDeleteUnbelievably stuffy!
saw this via the yarn harlot; just fantastic - it shows what a down-to-earth guy Senator Obama is - most people I know think I'm nuts for knitting socks in the first place!!
ReplyDeleteOh, WOW!! What a cool moment!! Thank goodness for your brother! :)
ReplyDeleteWow, that will probably win him more votes than the traditional kissing of babies.
ReplyDeleteYou're a gutsy knitter.
Fantastic! Gotta love that man! After he takes office, I think you should send him a pair.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe this. You lucky should knit him something.
ReplyDeleteCan I just say that I love you!!!
ReplyDeleteTotally awesome - I'm so jealous!
ReplyDeleteAll hail, your awesome brother! Without him, we would not have even gotten the Obama Sock picture! True, not THE Obama Sock picture you had envisioned, but nontheless...two great things! OBAMA...SOCK...!!!
ReplyDeleteBut after your having him hold YOUR sock, I may have to associate you with terrorists!
Can't believe you did this. So funny!
ReplyDeleteGood On Ya!
ReplyDeletePlease, tell us what you plan to do with that sock now?
Do you plan to wash it ever? Will you knit it and its mate to the appropriate size and send them to Obama?
And yes, I found you via the Yarn Harlot.
You should have heard the laugh this got from my husband. "You guys are unbelievable" he said and checked one more time. "That really is Obama, isn't it darling?". "Yup - that's him, avec sock!"
ReplyDeleteWELL done you and thanks for making me laugh.
Some people can't get their sharp pointy knitting needles on board an airplane and you manage to get up close and personal with a Presidential candidate.!!! What stars were YOU born under?!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!!!
Well done!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely awesome. I'm sending to al l my Knitting for Obama friends!
omg. i am so jealous!!! but thank you for the new desktop background image! :)
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I sure hope you just had a close encounter with our next President!
ReplyDeleteDude, FRAME that sock. ^_^
ReplyDeleteThis is beyond fabulous!
ReplyDeleteOh Mah Gahwd. You are a yarn hero. Hysterical.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry your camera didn't work--good thing you had someone across the room to take pictures of this! :) Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteHoly cow! You are a crazy woman...don't you just love that he went along with it?! Love this guy....lets hope he wins....VOTE!
ReplyDeleteWicked cool.
ReplyDeleteSurely, this man has what it takes to restore class and honor to the office to which he aspires!
ReplyDeleteYou are my new hero. That rocks.
ReplyDeleteAlmost a year later--and I still think you rock and so does Obama. Thanks for the silliness and the insight into the next president of the USA.
ReplyDeleteOMG - I'm so jealous!
ReplyDeleteObviously the SS had never heard of exploding knitting needles! Yes, it's true. Here is an article from my local weekly newspaper:
Oh, you made my day :lol:
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny. I hope that if I ever meet someone famous I'll ask the same question.