Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Bad Penny???

Yes, I'm back again, let's see if this time it sticks shall we?

A few things to jump start this second (?) third (?) resurrection of my blog...

Stuff that has been keeping me busy lately:

Felting, wet and needle

Stitching/sewing hand and machine:

And knitting and spinning:  

Of course the typical "normal" knitting is happening as well, sweaters, socks, you know the drill.  :)

The family is healthy, happy, and well, and growing by leaps and bounds.  No, there aren't any "new" grandkids, but the youngest, who was just a wee little thing the last time I seriously blog is soon to be 3 years old! My oh my where does the time go?

I've been working the last few days on this absolutely FABULOUS pattern by Kieran Foley Camino Bubbles   Unfortunately for me it's primarily in charted form, BUT that's MY personal problem please do not hesitate to give this pattern a go.  Sooooo much bang for the buck!  Easily memorized intuitive pattern with such a wonderful end product. Love it!  Nearly finished with the one I'm working on right now done in Crazy Zauberball.  of course, pix at this point aren't worth it, I'm not dropping my stitches their full length so frankly it looks a little yarn barfy as all lace patterns do at this point, plus it also looks as if there are LOTS of mistakes but I know there isn't, this pattern is just too easy to work for mistakes.

Camino Bubbles could not have come across my radar at a more opportune time.  I've been playing a lot with dropped stitches lately.  It fits so nicely into my mindset right now.  I expect (actually have been drafting) a few riffs of this stitch pattern.  Perhaps one of my riffs, or just another Camino Bubbles will be my travel knitting next week.  :)

Expect pix from sunny So Cal soon!

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