Sunday, September 30, 2007


Oy three days of beer, brats, polkas, and that damn chicken dance!!! giggle/snort

Had a FABULOUS time.

And I just know you guys are dying to see what fools I made of us, so without further ado......

TA DA.....

Joe in all his lederhosen glory

Meine Herr Joseph

Und Frau Tracy

Auf Wiedersehen!!!


  1. Wow! I'm speechless! I can't believe you pulled it off and you guys look wonderful! After all that I'm glad you had a wonderful time! ;o)

  2. IF i wouldn't know better i would bet you're original Bavarians.. AMAZING!
    Job very well done, girl - and I hear you've enjoyed yourselves!..

  3. Awesome job! They look so great! You are one exciting crafter!

    Speaking of being exciting, I owe you a copy of CROQ, which I will send this week.

    Also, wondering if you've done anything w/the leather coat lately!

